As you may know, our December lineup of films focuses on homelessness and the Japanese American internment camps of the WWII era.

This holiday season, we came across another important film from the WWII period entitled Defiance, and it's based on a little-known, yet fascinating true story.
We recommend you see Defiance, which hits select theaters on December 31, 2008 and wider theatrical release on January 16, 2009.
This film is an epic tale of family, honor, vengeance and salvation. The year is 1941 and the Jews of Eastern Europe are being massacred by the thousands. Managing to escape certain death, three brothers take refuge in the dense surrounding woods they have known since childhood. There they begin their desperate battle against the Nazis.
Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber and Jamie Bell star as brothers who turn a primitive struggle to survive into something far more consequential – a way to avenge the deaths of their loved ones by saving thousands of others. At first it is all they can do to stay alive. But gradually, as whispers of their daring spreads, they begin to attract others – men and women, young and old – willing to risk everything for the sake of even a moment’s freedom.
Tuvia (CRAIG) is a reluctant leader and his decisions are challenged by his brother, Zus (SCHREIBER) who worries that Tuvia’s idealistic plans will doom them all. Asael (BELL) is the youngest – caught between his brothers’ fierce rivalry. As a brutal winter descends, they work to create a community, and to keep faith alive when all humanity appeared to be lost.
While we caution that Defiance is a gritty film with some elements of violence, we felt this true story should be heard. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on our blog.
The Team at Ironweed
PS- You can learn more at